Meikki sekä valitusblogi maanantai kysely, voi. 671

I hope lovely things cross your path this week!

Joten … Mikä on maanantai-kysely?

Erinomainen kysymys! Se ei ole päinvastoin kuin sen nimi, todellinen kysely, kuten bittinen Clicky-painikkeilla. It’s just a listing of five a lot more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). Pidän lukemasta vastauksiasi, samoin kuin se auttaa minua saamaan viikon pois suuresta alusta. ?

1. Last time you waxed?

I can’t even remember… It must’ve been at least six months ago. I was utilizing the bad-@ss Bliss blue wax, however I lastly ran out as well as have yet to replace it… It hasn’t precisely been the world’s greatest concern though. Tweezers have been my finest good friend these days!

2. What’s your Fitzpatrick skin type?

I’m a Skin type IV!


3. Do you limit your screen time?

Yeah, I have to. If I don’t, nobody else will, LOL! If I let myself go unchecked, I end up doomscrolling late at night, as well as then I can’t turn my brain off.

4. exactly how commonly do you stretch?

I try to stretch every day, as well as throughout the day with bit one-minute stretches right here as well as there. (Hold up, provide me a second to hit my hammies! Ah, much better.) as well as then in the evening before I go to bed, I stretch on my yoga mat in front of the TV for about 10 minutes, as well as that truly assists me sleep better.

5. Silence is (fill in the blank).

Beautiful, underrated as well as often exceptionally necessary.


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

6. A appeal brand (or brands) you’d like to try?

Ooh, there are so many! ideal now I’ve got my eye on some things by Ere Perez as well as Typology. I’d likewise like to try a tinted mineral sunscreen from Colorscience.

7. Midi or maxi?

Midi has been stressing me out, man… I can’t seem to figure it out! So please, fashion gods, provide me a maxi!

8. have you ever had a turtle for a pet?

I have not, however I understood somebody in the ’90s who had pet turtles, as well as taking care of those turtles was like a second task for them. I just keep in mind the turtles needing a great deal of care as well as habitat maintenance.

9. have you ever damaged a window?

I have not, knock on wood!

Ystävällinen yhteisön valituslääketieteesi,



P.S. Juuri tässä on huolenaihe kopioida / liittää vastauksillasi kommentissa. Puhu pian ya.

1. Last time you waxed?
2. What’s your Fitzpatrick skin type?
3. Do you limit your screen time?
4. exactly how commonly do you stretch?
5. Silence is (fill in the blank).
6. A appeal brand (or brands) you’d like to try?
7. Midi or maxi?
8. have you ever had a turtle for a pet?
9. have you ever damaged a window?

P.P.S. hey there there, my friend! It’s a new week as well as a fresh start. A bit tip that you can manage whatever comes your method today, you hear me? You’re capable, strong as well as smart. Whatever it is you requirement to conquer, huge or small, YOU CAN DO IT. ?

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