Makeup ja kauneus blogi maanantaina kysely, vol. 587

huge glossy kiss on this Monday!

Joten … Mikä on maanantai-kysely?

Erinomainen kysymys! Se ei ole, toisin kuin sen nimi, todellinen kysely, kuten bittinen Clicky-painikkeilla. Se on vain luettelo viidestä tai vähemmän satunnaisesta huolenaiheesta, jonka olen julkaissut tämän blogin joka maanantaiaamuna aikaisempien neljänneksen vuosien ajan (vuodesta 2007). Pidän lukemasta vastauksiasi, samoin kuin se auttaa minua saamaan viikon pois suuresta alusta.

1. liquid or powder foundation?

Oh, liquid. Varmasti. Ideally, Estée Lauder double wear or MAC studio repair (which is my fave liquid foundations at the moment), however anything I can mix a bit Strobe cream into will do.

2. A perfume you liked “way back when”?

In college (so this was the ’90s), I went with an intense space “Grass” phase that lasted a solid six months, as well as then right after graduation, I was all about Victoria’s trick Heavenly for I can’t even keep in mind exactly how long (it was a while).

Lots of other fragrance phases, too, of course…

3. Lipgloss or liquid lipstick?

Hmm… That’s tough choice, since there are so many long-lasting, comfy liquid lipsticks offered now (Hello! — honest Beauty), however when it comes down to it…the convenience of gloss — the convenience of being able to slick a lipgloss on my lips anywhere as well as whenever I want to, provides gloss the win for me.

4. exactly how effectively do you believe you might pull off a bowl cut?

Not at all successfully, HA HA HA! It would be 50 shades of cray up in there, I youngster you not. My wavy hair has a tendency to go huge if delegated its own devices. Plus, the shorter I cut it, the unrulier it becomes.

Seriously, if I had a bowl cut situation, it would not go well!

5. If you might appoint anyone in the world to clean your makeup brushes, who you would choose?

This is a extremely difficult decision, since exactly how does one select between Keanu Reeves as well as Sir John?? ?

OK, in all seriousness (not), I’d have to go with Sir John, since perhaps he might teach me his smart makeup methods while he swished the dried up foundation from my genuine methods buffing brush.

The trick to getting stuff done

At long last, I’ve figured out the trick to productivity! It’s…(drum roll please) putting on A deal with MASK.

(You believe I’m joking, however I’m totally not.)

If you absolutely requirement to sit your booty down to research study bathroom paint (satin or semi-gloss?) or to balance your checkbook, however you’d rather be chillin’ in bed looking at feline pics on your phone, here’s what you requirement to do, in five simple steps:


Pese kasvosi


Slather on that deal with mask

Set your timer for 15 minutes

Do the damn thing

Next thing you know, you’ve gotten your job underway, as well as after you’ve rinsed off your mask, you’re prepared to deal with the rest.

I may or may not have just done this, by the way, ha ha ha!

Happy Monday to you, friend. ?


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

Just a quick reminder, in situation you requirement to hear it today: You’re brave, you’re tough, as well as you’ve got this.

Ystävällinen yhteisön kauneudenhaku,



P.S. Huolehdi! Täällä he kopioivat / liitä vastauksiin kommentissa. Keskustele pian!

1. liquid or powder foundation?
2. A perfume that you used as well as liked in the ’90s?
3. Lipgloss or liquid lipstick?
4. exactly how effectively do you believe you might pull off a bowl cut?
5. If you might appoint anyone in the world to clean your makeup brushes, who you would choose?

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